Making it easy to sell

The Organisation A large Technology Provider
The Challenge

When selling technology, jargon and complexity often creates a barrier to selling to customers who are not familiar with the terminologies.

The Background

There was the impression for staff that the product was too complex to sell. Customers in turn, often got confused and may procure a solution that would not be fit for purposes.

The Approach I created a easy to understand description for each technology, without jargon and explained in non technical terms benefits and differences. Based upon this description, a fresh staff training programme was developed. In addition, new web content, brochures and other sales aids were also created
The Result Staff has a greater understanding of the technologies and it’s fit with customer profiles. As a result, front line sales staff can have more meaningful conversations and customers are no longer baffled with jargon. It also boosted morale as sales staff have a greater understanding of what they are selling.
The Ingredients
  • Commercial and simple Product Descriptions
  • Clear Benefits statements
  • Staff training programme
  • Consistent Unique Selling Propositions
  • New web content (centered around benefits)