Competitive Pressure

The Organisation ADC-KRONE
The Challenge Competitive Pressure from low-end competitors.
The Background Whilst I was a senior product manager at ADC-KRONE I experienced the pain caused by the low-end competitors.
The Approach When products look the same, feel the same but in terms of performance and quality they are not, it is time to make customers aware that they may not get what they want. I delivered a number marketing deliverables including an article that was published in NCN. Read Article>>>
The Result Customers have started to realise that:

  • Not all the products are the same, although they may look that way.
  • Initial Cheapness may not always work out cheap in the long run.

As a result they carefully asses whether they can afford a low end solution and in many cases they come to realise that low end is too much of a risk.

The Ingredients
  • Value Proposition Definition
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Mix
  • Content Generation
  • Direct Marketing Execution